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Writer's Workshop

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RI GLE's and Standards
Units of Study by Grade Level
Writer's Workshop

Websites to help you focus on the Writer's Workshop portion of your instructional lessons.

  1. Moose Notebooks

  2. 6 + 1 Trait Writing Plans

  3. Multimedia Book Report Rubric (Fiction)

  4. Flowing Wells Unified Writing Lesson Plans

  5. Get It! Got It! Go!

  6. The Write Resource

  7. IPOD in the Classroom

  8. Teacher Resources

  9. Reading and Writing Project

  10. Teach Writing

  11. Teaching That Makes Sense

  12. We The Teachers

  13. Kent School District Technology Integrated Writing Lesson Plans

  14. Kim's Corner

  15. 6 Traits +1

  16. Writer's Workshop - ConferringWe think of the writing conference in two parts. In part one, the teacher listens carefully to what the student says about his writing and asks questions to clarify and deepen his understanding of the student's work. In part two, the teacher makes a teaching decision based on the conversation with the student, and then explicitly teaches the student one thing that will help him, not only on this writing, but on many writings in the future.

  17. Writer's Workshop - Upper Elementary Grades 4-6

  18. Writer's Workshop Grade 3

  19. Writer's Workshop Grade 2

  20. Writer's Workshop Grade 1

  21. Writer's Workshop Kindergarten

Writing from the Heart

Springboard student writing from the heart with a memoir or personal experience narrative.  The teacher and student find it easier to focus on the process when everyone is doing the same kind of piece. In fact, during your first year of implementing writers workshop you might consider choosing the genre and letting students choose the topic just to get everyone's feet wet.

Types of writing students can do: 

  • Personal Story,

  • Memoir,

  • Personal Essay

  • Descriptive Writing

  • Signs,

  • Labeling,

  • Instructions,

  • Agendas,

  • Directions,

  • Recounts of activities,

  • Procedures for making something,

  • Summaries of things read,

  • Letters telling about things that have been done,

  • Class newsletters,

  • Explanations,

  • Comparing and contrasting two things,

  • Predictions,

  • Writing in role as a book character,

  • Invitations,

  • Writing letters to seek information,

  • Writing an argument for or against something,

  • Writing information reports,

Ideas from other teachers on 'how to' implement Writers Workshop: