Rhode Island State Standards and GLE's (PDF
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Literacy Resource
Sites for Grades 5 – 8
Instruction, and Student Assessment
Mathematics, Reading, and Writing Grade Level
Draft Local Reading Grade Level Expectations for grades 6-8 (pdf)
Draft Local GLEs for Written and Oral
Communication grades 6-8 (pdf)
NECAP and Local K-8 Mathematics Grade Level
Expectations (GLEs) (Doc)
Support Documents Mathematics Test
Specifications Grades 2-8 (pdf)
Support Documents Reading Test Specifications
Grades 3-8 (pdf)
Support Documents Writing Test Specifications
Grades 3-8 (pdf)
Science Grade Span Expectations
(Version 4.0) (PDF)
UPDATED 3/20/06
Draft K-12 GSEs in Earth and Space Science
Draft K-12 GSEs in Life Sciences
Draft K-12 GSEs in Physical Sciences
Field Review for Science GSEs Grades 5-8
PreK-12 Literacy Policy
State Curriculum Lesson Packet Fall 2005
Rhode Island Middle Level Educators (RIMLE)
Assessment and Accountability
State Assessment Schedule